The sort of comeback so good you think of it later on and write a comic, wishing you’d said it at the time
The sort of comeback so good you think of it later on and write a comic, wishing you’d said it at the time
== is a heathen with no rightful place except equality to null. All praise ===
People equate maths to programming, but I think if it more as a creative, problem solving field. Most real world coding problems don’t have a precise single correct way to solve them; it’s more like architecting a building: you have multiple goals and a lot of freedom in how you achieve them and to what degree
Guess that settles the debate, we got to pronounce it “sequel” then to optimally match syllables
Fuck would that question come up on a trivia night. No chance. That’s a specialist subject
No soup. Too dangerous to eat with a long beard, for a first date. Risk making a fool of myself
The more control I have, the more likely I am to wake up, which is pretty annoying. Although, on the flip side, waking up through choice to avoid bad dreams is how I originally developed the skill of lucid dreaming. Noticing the signs of waking up and choosing to stay asleep is kind of a weird thing to do too, but it can lead to sleep paralysis.
However in any case, the level of control I have varies. Often, I am able to fly from danger or decide something didn’t happen and try again. More rarely I know there are no consequences to any of my actions and can completely control space, time and narrative. It’s odd knowing it’s a dream, but it still feels real. Though, still with a dream brain memory and dream logic, I’m not necessarily thinking as sensibly as I would do when awake.
Yeah, sure, just as easily as people switched from saying “Twitter” to saying “X”