I thought the blinding stew thing was just a joke to scare the kid, but now that I know it’s real, I’m equally terrified and intrigued at the same time.
They might have just edited the Perpetual Stew page. Or they could have just edited the page source to make it say whatever they want and take a screenshot.
I thought the blinding stew thing was just a joke to scare the kid, but now that I know it’s real, I’m equally terrified and intrigued at the same time.
It’s not. It’s a brand new internet lie.
I’m surprised and impressed at the amount of work that went into creating a separate Wikipedia page just to further the meme.
They might have just edited the Perpetual Stew page. Or they could have just edited the page source to make it say whatever they want and take a screenshot.
I want to be able to go through life trusting people as much as you trust a screencap of a Wikipedia article
Screenshots like that look so much more real when you’re too tired to confirm whether they’re real or fake.
It looks pretty damn authentic to me. Whoever made that, good job.
Do you know it’s real?
There’s no list of ingredients but I clearly see a severed penis in there.
Severed A penis is preferred to severed B penis
oops I typoed. I will go fix it
Doing God’s work over here