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  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • You Can’t Keep Your Parents’ Skulls [Caitlin Doughty | September 4, 2019 |]

    Under U.S. law, it’s nearly impossible to get permission to decapitate and de-flesh a relative’s remains.

    Abuse-of-corpse laws exist for a reason. They protect people’s bodies from being mistreated (ahem, necrophilia). They also prevent a corpse from being snatched from the morgue and used for research or public exhibition without the dead person’s consent. History is littered with such violations. Medical professionals have stolen corpses and even dug up fresh graves to get bodies for dissection and research. Then there are cases like that of Julia Pastrana, a 19th-century Mexican woman with a condition called hypertrichosis, which caused hair to grow all over her face and body. After she died, her husband saw that there was money to be made by displaying Pastrana in freak shows, so he took her embalmed and taxidermied corpse on world tour. Pastrana had ceased to be regarded as human; her corpse had become a possession.

    So where do skulls on bookcases come from? In the United States, no federal law prevents owning, buying, or selling human remains, unless the remains are Native American. Otherwise, whether you’re able to sell or own human remains is decided by each individual state. At least 38 states have laws that should prevent the sale of human remains, but in reality the laws are vague, confusing, and enforced at random. In one seven-month period in 2012–13, 454 human skulls were listed on eBay, with an average opening bid of just under $650 (eBay subsequently banned the practice).

    If there were any legal wiggle room that might allow a person to get Dad’s head liberated from its fleshy shell, Tanya Marsh would know how to find it. Marsh is a law professor and the expert on human-remains law. “I will argue with you all day long,” she told me, “that it isn’t legal in any state in the United States to reduce a human head to a skull.”[1]

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  • Amid a growing partnership between China and Russia, Mandarin has been growing in popularity across Russia as a foreign language of choice, a trend Putin said was due to developing contacts across economics, politics and society.

    Putin, who speaks fluent German but has also taken lessons to improve his English, said that pupils should not forget the importance of English.

    Russian, English, Tatar, German and Chechen are the most widely spoken languages in Russia, according to the 2022 census. While Mandarin is spoken far less, it has been growing swiftly in popularity in recent years as a foreign language.

    English is the world’s most spoken language with about 1.5 billion speakers, followed by Mandarin Chinese with about 1.1 billion speakers, and then Hindi, Spanish, Arabic, French, Bengali, Portuguese, Russian and Urdu, according to Ethnologue, a language research centre.

  • TIL entertainment personality wrestler continues his persona that he is famous for and goes viral for controversial commentary again while advertising his new product.

    Hogan, an ardent Donald Trump supporter, made the comments on Monday night at the Thirsty Cowboy bar in Medina, Ohio, while promoting his new beer, TMZ reports.

    “Want me to body-slam somebody? You want me to body-slam Kamala Harris?” he asked the roaring crowd, as seen in a video obtained by TMZ. “I said, ‘Do you want me to body-slam Kamala Harris?’”

    “You want me to drop a leg on Kamala?” he asked.

    “Is Kamala a chameleon? Is she Indian?” he asked.

    “I am going to get heat for that one, brother. That was not me. That was the beers talking,” he claimed to the crowd.

    In 2015, Hogan was abruptly fired from World Wrestling Entertainment after tapes surfaced of him repeatedly using a racial slur in 2007. Hogan eventually apologized and was reinstated into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2018, BBC News reports.[1]

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  • jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.worldOPtoAnime@lemmy.mlTIL animesuge shut down.
    23 days ago

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    Every game must have an end…and life is about experiences. Every mistake teaches us lessons that help us grow.

    If possible, please use legal paid services. It’s something we should do to show our respect for creators and content producers.

    Good bye!

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    [Youtube music video: Wiz Khalifa - See you Again ft. Charlie Puth | 03:57 |]

  • I wonder if Tiktok will just make a seperate company that would comply before the 2025 ban comes to effect…

    Or they will just exit the US market, interesting stuff.

    I still think Glenn Greenwald views on this topic hold true.

    “ByteDance doesn’t have any plans to sell TikTok,” the company posted on its official account on Toutiao, a social media platform it owns.

    The sell-or-ban measure was signed into law by US President Joe Biden on Wednesday.

    “We are confident and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts,” said TikTok boss Shou Zi Chew in a video posted on the platform this week.

    “The facts, and the Constitution, are on our side… rest assured, we aren’t going anywhere.”

    The Chinese government has also dismissed such concerns as paranoia and has warned that a TikTok ban would “inevitably come back to bite the US”.

  • “My husband and I do want to have a kid but we can’t afford it for now,” said Wang Chengyi, a 31-year-old woman in Beijing.

    She told the BBC she and her partner needed to save money for another three years to provide for the costs of having a child - taking into account school expenses in particular.

    “I do want to get pregnant while I’m young as it’s better for my health. However, I just don’t have enough money for now so I have to postpone. It’s a shame and I feel panic over it sometimes,” she said.

    “China is no different to other countries that have deindustrialised and moved into the service sector. The population becomes more educated and skilled and healthier, and they want to do other jobs rather than work in factories or construction,” said Prof Gietel-Basten.

    “The government is aware of this and has planned for this over the past decade and so it’s expected to continue with this kind of direction.”

    China records population decline for second straight year [Jan 17 2024 | Frances Mao | BBC News]

    Many people are delaying marriage or choosing not to have children. Even those who do often have only one child because of the high cost of educating children in cities in a highly competitive academic environment. The population of women of child-bearing age has also fallen.

    Local governments are offering incentives for new children. A municipality in China’s Inner Mongolia region has started offering payments of 2,000 yuan ($280) for a second child and 5,000 yuan ($700) for a third, as well as requiring that employers give an extra 60 and 90 days of paid maternity leave for the second and third child respectively, according to an online report by state-owned China National Radio.

    But Yuan Xin, a professor at Nankai University and vice-president of the China Population Association, added that “the downward trend in China’s total population is bound to be long-term and become an inherent characteristic.”

    China’s population falls for a 2nd straight year as births drop even after end of one-child policy [Jan 17 2024 | Ken Moritsugu | Associated Press News]

  • Washington has called for the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority, currently led by Abbas, to eventually assume control of Gaza and run both territories as a precursor to statehood. U.S. officials have said the PA must be revitalized, without letting on whether this would mean leadership changes.

    Arab allies of the U.S. have said they’ll only get involved in post-war reconstruction if there’s a credible push toward a two-state solution, which is unlikely under the Netanyahu government dominated by opponents of Palestinian statehood.

    Shikaki said that Gaza residents are more critical of Hamas than those in the West Bank, that support for Hamas typically spikes during periods of armed conflict before leveling out, and that even now most Palestinians do not back the militant group.

    Despite the devastation, 57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack, the poll indicated. A large majority believed Hamas’ claims that it acted to defend a major Islamic shrine in Jerusalem against Jewish extremists and win the release of Palestinian prisoners. Only 10% said they believed Hamas has committed war crimes, with a large majority saying they did not see videos showing the militants committing atrocities.

    Shikaki said the most popular politician remains Marwan Barghouti, a prominent figure in Abbas’ Fatah movement who is serving multiple life terms in an Israeli prison for his alleged role in several deadly attacks during the second Palestinian uprising two decades ago. In a two-way presidential race, Ismail Haniyeh, the exiled political leader of Hamas, would trounce Abbas while in a three-way race, Barghouti would be ahead just slightly, the pollster said.

    Overall, 88% want Abbas to resign, up by 10 percentage points from three months ago. In the West Bank, 92% called for the resignation of the octogenarian who has presided over an administration widely seen as corrupt, autocratic and ineffective.