Beasley is worse than a traffic cone
Beasley is worse than a traffic cone
Beasely is straight ass
Why do you think Giannis was mad? He was trying to win the game and he knew that he needed to play more. Against good teams you have to shorten your rotations. It’s pretty simple stuff.
I’m talking about one game against a good team not all season.
Chargers defense is like a stimulus package for struggling offenses/QB’s.
57 win pace after that slow start not bad at all and 9-2 with Dame in the lineup.
Payne’s jumpshot looks like he is loading a shotgun. Lol
If they win tonight what will their record be with Lillard in the lineup be? 7-2?
Time for Herbie to show us he’s one of the greats.
Derwin has the IQ of a tadpole
Can Staley make the halftime adjustments /
3rd blowout in 9 games is concerning.
Why isn’t Giannis giving up the ball? He can’t shoot FT’s!
The fact that Beasely shot that three so early in the clock after just being blown by like he was a ghost gives me Jordan Poole vibes. He is a poor man’s Jordan Poole. He should have been pulled after that sequence.