• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • I agree with you.

    The thing is, when Original Steamdeck (from here on OG-SD in short) was released, the hardware was already kind of outdated, since in the last years alot happened hardware-wise. So, the price was kind of overpriced, at least for the 256GB and 512GB models. But Valve tried to stretch the sales for that price for as long as possible.

    Then, they started to influence the used-market, by re-selling refurbished Decks for quiet a bit cheaper, but still with full warranty, and most importantly, originally refurbished by Valve themselves.

    Then, they didn’t announce the new OLED Deck. They ‘surprised’ everyone. They milked the full price of the OG-SD as long as possible again, since after 14 days, no refund is possible anymore.

    Finally admitting, that Valve was behind hardware-prices since longer, they released a proper Deck with 1 TB SSD, more RAM Speed, Oled Display, better APU technology and a better battery. For the same price as the OG-SD.

    The mistake was, releasing nearly the same hardware power, but with better feature upgrades, for the very same price as the OG-SD. So, Valve had to reduce the OG-SD prices by alot. Oh and remember, they also involved themselves i the used-marked. So, they reduced the refurbished OG-SD prices by alot, too,

    Now, another big problem: All of this happened within barely over 1 year. Your OG-SD is still ok power-wise, but the resell-value is now down as hell.

    What impression does this leave on me: Valv doesn’t care about the customers, and the resell-value of used OG-SD. They wanted to milk as much money from the OG-SD as possible, before announcing the Oled Deck. Their only plan is to overrun the market with their lable and product, by trampling over the OG-SD price-value.

  • How is your older vrsion of the SteamDeck is not obsolete, when it was Valve themselves, who thought: Ohh let’s sell original refurbished Decks with full varanty by Valve, to fk re-sell value of the Deck. And then continued selling the Steamdeck LCD for full price, not saying a word about a new version of the Deck. And then suddenly releasing it, for the same price as the old Steam Deck, just with better configs like better RAM speed, 1 TB SSD, and an Oled.

    And because it is the same price, they were like: Oh, let’s fk re-sell value of SteamDeck LCD even more by dropping the new device price by quite a bit, and yes, remember, we sell original refurbished Decks by Valve, lets drop refurbished prices by alot.

    All of these within a single year. It was already known, that by Steamdeck LCD Release date, the device was already overpriced for the hardware they offered by that time, compared to the progression of hardware and price that very moment.

    But Valve didn’t care about how value-less Steamdeck will become in price for customers. They just tohught of themselves only, by doing these moves like selling refurbished Decks and now dropping it by more than half of the prices, especially for the 512GB Model.