Already did, only reason he’s starting this week is because Zay Flowers is on bye
Already did, only reason he’s starting this week is because Zay Flowers is on bye
Hock is so fucking good
As a Rashee, Flowers & Christian Watson owner, one of those boys
That second Flowers TD won me my game by .5 🥹
Chiefs fan here let Zay know that last TD won me my game by .5
Let’s get my mans Zay another please thank you
Damn i started watching in 3rd grade. I must be the worst
Ok then what’s been the issue
So did I. “wE hAd tHe sAme gUys lAst yEar”
Hey remember when everyone was bitching and complaining that the Chiefs needed to fucking sign a receiver and they didn’t and everyone defended that decision yeah how did that work out?
“Thanks for the torch”
Do you have time to discuss our lord and savior Rashee Rice?
Fun times with weapons bc it’s literally every boys childhood
I’ve been in first place the whole year in my league so I havent been able to get one stud off waivers until they all somehow missed Noah Brown. I hope production can stay high even when Nico comes back
Can we talk about Noah fucking Brown?? It’s like when the ball is thrown further than 20 yards I didnt even have to guess who was gonna catch it
Loser has to sleep with SQUEAK
Imagine if he had protection
Anyone who criticizes this, go fuck yourself. He’s a human being before a football player
Do I start Christian Watson over Kupp?