• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • lassiieBtoMilwaukee Bucks@nba.spaceIs it just me?
    10 months ago

    Dame is the best POINT GUARD on this team…and that matters. Giannis should be infrequently running point forward, he can’t space the court, it should be thrown in as a mixup every once in awhile, not as a primary way to initiate the offense….this isn’t even about dame, the times where Giannis actually screens for dame are the times he gets to play downhill 4v3, instead he slips so many screens that it does nothing.

    When dame brings the ball up the court his defender has to pick him up at 35 feet. That gives Giannis so much spacing it’s actually crazy

  • lassiieBtoMilwaukee Bucks@nba.spaceDame should run the offense
    10 months ago

    Dude this is unequivocally not true, I made like 3 separate posts detailing out every pick and roll action that dame was involved in over those games and they are so few and far between. Griffin seems to thinks dames job is to dribble over the half court line and pass it to someone else like it’s the 90s. Dame needs to actually be allowed to orchestrate the offense

  • Few things if you aren’t familiar with watching Lillard, he is exceptional at getting to the line when his shot isn’t falling, and recognizing (especially in the 4th) when he needs to be driving to create offense because his 3 ball isn’t there.

    He almost ALWAYS makes the right play. The Lopez 3 near the end started with Dame driving into the lane, drawing 4 Pistons into the paint, then passing to the perimeter where it went from Payne to Crowder to Lopez for an open 3.

    I absolutely cannot believe Giannis was ejected in the fashion he was, this game would’ve most likely been a blowout with him here.

    With Giannis out though, they ran a ton more pick and rolls in the 4th then I have seen from them ever, and we were able to go on a big run to erase a 10pt deficit and close out the game. I would really like to see this style of offense WITH Giannis involved, because that should just be unstoppable.

  • Excellent point on passing early against the wall. What is funny is it would be one of the easiest ways to dismantle the wall, if he sees it and passes to an open shooter immediately, teams will be more hesitant to run it, but if he keeps driving into it resulting in a bad shot/TO, or hell, even a foul, it works out for the defense.

    Weirdly enough, I think it is one of the reason Dame has continued to be elite into his 30s, because he has developed the aspects of his game that age well, like navigating the PNR, and using the athletic part of his game more sparingly.

  • Question for Bucks fans who regularly watch the Bucks broadcast? Do you guys like your announcers? They seem fine, but they said just some patently wrong shit on their broadcast the last couple games. Two examples that came to mind were from last night, the guy repeatedly talked about how Miami did not want to give up Tyler Herro with things like “You can see why Miami was reluctant to give up Herro”, except every indication was the Heat literally tried to sell him for anything and no one was buying last summer. The other was a comment about how not setting screens for Lillard was a good adjustment for the Bucks…you know, the guy who was historically efficient last season while running the PNR with Nurkic and Eubanks…

  • Ok, so I am not crazy, thanks for the perspective since I am new to watching Giannis. But literally all I could think these last 3 games was exactly what you said…it’s a 7’ Westbrook.

    As you said, may just be bad habits from last year with Khris out…Dame had to do a lot of that too playing on shitty Blazers teams, we used to joke that a contested fadeaway 3 from Dame was still a better shot then anyone else on our team shooting.

    I thought it would be Dame that would struggle to adjust more then Giannis, although maybe if I had watched more last year I would’ve felt different.

    I hope they get it figured out, but Griffing being a new head coach may not have the balls to stand up to Giannis, and Dame has never really been a vocal leader, so he may defer to Giannis since it is his team. But someone needs to sit Giannis down and say “No more 3s, no more fadeaways, no more out of control drives 1v4, and let Dame and Khris initiate the offense the majority of the time”.

  • Interesting point. From what I saw, anytime Dame got a solid screen set, the entire defense broke down. Even some of the screens I didn’t call slipped were pretty awful screens.

    The sheer amount of slipped/token screens was absolutely baffling to me. Although more baffling was how little Dame ever actually initiated the offense. I think next time I do this I will also count the number of possessions Dame is the one to initiate the offense.