Bloodborne, that jail was originally spelled gaol
Bloodborne, that jail was originally spelled gaol
Bloodborne, that jail was originally spelled gaol
Nah, it isn’t that bad, Torrent is mobile enough to outrun nearly every enemy in the game, and when you learn the map, you can get around really quickly, and if you’re not completing quests, you never need to backtrack, can just constantly move forward towards your goal
Tears of the Kingdom would be up there
Even the fast methods of travel can take forever
I like that Invincible uses the violence when appropriate instead of just “for the lulz” like The Boys does
They will after Gabe is gone, whoever takes over will probably be some corporate suit dickhead with no passion
What company doesn’t eventually turn to shit? Don’t take them for granted
Wait until you play Phantom Liberty
As a lifelong Transformers fan, Peter Cullen sounding exactly like Optimus Prime kind of broke my immersion, I just heard Optimus dubbed over some old guy
Then Steam Deck while more expensive (though way cheaper now since the OLED reveal)
Can play almost every PC game ever
Can emulate Switch games
Can stream your PS5 to it like the Portal
Can emulate every other console
Get a Steam Deck, able to play these games wherever you want then
Fuck waiting for remasters that rip you off and are worsw than the original
Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the best games around
Graphics, art direction, story, dialogue, music, combat, characters, all so good
You already know the answer
Remember how shit 2014 was? Nothing good came out that year, and since PS4 wasn’t backwards compatible there was fuck all to play on it
Wasn’t until 2015 that PS4 was worth getting when Bloodborne and Witcher 3 came out a month apart
Soooo stupid
I miss being able to say retarded and gay without getting instantly in trouble
Redditors don’t understand how the real world works at all
I’d quit the hobby
I paid 680 euros for my 512gb Deck around last September and only slightly over a year later the price drops by over 200 and there’s an OLED version that’s still cheaper than what I paid
I need to stop buying hardware when it’s new
No they wouldn’t
Spider-Man 2 reused New York, Tears of the Kingdom reused Hyrule
Cyberpunk isn’t Cyberpunk without Night City
Her brother produces all the music in their bedroom, I don’t like Billie that much but that’s so cool to me, shows you don’t need a big fancy studio, just talent