• 208 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2023


  • Friendly reminder that China has one of the lowest positive WADA doping test rates in the world. The US tests positive at more than 5x that rate. India tests positive at more than 15x that rate. Russia tests positive at a similar rate as the US.

    The US just can’t accept that WADA, which receives more funding from the US than from any other country in the world, isn’t biased towards Americans. We know that 6.5 to 9.2% of US athletes are doping, anyway: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11102888/

    But sure, those 6.5% to 9.2% of US athletes are all acting on their own and there’s no system in place to encourage doping (as if the fact that almost 1 in 10 US athletes get away with doping isn’t a system to encourage it).

  • It was the Russians

    It wasn’t the Russians but they were paid by Russia

    It wasn’t the Russians but they were brainwashed by Russian propaganda

    It wasn’t the Russians but it only happened because Russia was doing bad stuff

    It wasn’t the Russians but it was a rogue actor and not the Ukrainians either

    It wasn’t the Russians but it was only a small faction in Ukraine

    It was the Ukrainians and had no connection with foreign parties

    It was the Ukrainians who had grown up or been trained in America, but no further connection

    It was the Ukrainians who were brainwashed by American propaganda

    It was the Ukrainians who were paid by American private interests

    It was the Ukrainians who were paid off by covert forces in the American government

    It was the Americans

    Just like for Nordstream, I wonder where we will end up on this spectrum…