Gumayusi’s Varus will haunt him for the rest of his career. This is like Faker’s Zed outplayed Ryu.
Gumayusi’s Varus will haunt him for the rest of his career. This is like Faker’s Zed outplayed Ryu.
Does hiring a new set of coaching staff will prevent Ch0vy from choking?
DK upgraded their ad carry while KT got downgrade. Where will Cuzz go? He had a good run this year.
JDG should go for Shanji he can play top lane carry. His rumble is auto-bannes in LPL
Yeah bro no shit. He’s getting cook on FMKorea. Dude is a clown
Fuck off you’re gettiing cook on FMKorea lil bro. You benched Faker and playing musical chair bullshit.
“You crazy bastard, really hahaha. What was the team like when you were the headcoach? What?? What are you aiming for? Ugh”
“Isn’t it rude to Bengi and Tom to say that the team’s performance was poor because they’re the coaches of T1, but when the team improved becase of your teachings to the players? It’s been a few years since you fell off. How can T1, which is so strong now, say that it was your influence? The season has changed several times and the meta has changed several times… It seems like a strange statement to think that other people’s good work is also one’s own achievement”
Deft about to steal another paycheck.
KT picked T1 curse is real
Chovy going to LPL
What the actual fuck is going on?
“When it comes to skill only JDG can match a little, but champion pool and macro are too far behind, T1 is a tier on their own”
No wonder Coach Homme chose red side hoping to stop T1 botlane on cooking and at the same time he’s trying cover the biggest issue of JDG which is Ruler’s champion. He abused Zeri so much.
Gumayusi’s son wont join T1 because he’s busy building another super team after that embarassing Zeri moment.
Thats the thing Guma can play weak or strong side, clutch genes, mental fortitude and more importantly wide champion pool. No one is playing like this.
Riot Games: breathing calmly
I didnt know Gumayusi is a big fan of Tyler1
If T1 wins tomorrow you should put a pink taric tattoo on your back instead.
Ho Lee-Sheet 😱
Peanut’s growth throughout of his career was crazy from selfish player to facilitator, team player and a captain. I respect his guts and ambition but trying to surpass Faker is like a fictional story.