• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The great irony is that the far right-wing Israeli government has made Israel the least safe place for jews. Not only that, but they’re undermining their own colonial project – this war is doing exactly what zionists were desperately trying to avoid; prompting the greater public to draw a more clear, accurate line between “jewish” and “Israeli”.

    As much as the death and destruction is horrible and needs to end immediately, I think this kind of thing was the only way the rest of the world was going to wake up about what has been going on in Palestine for the past 70 years.

  • Nothing made up, you joined into a conversation that starts with someone claiming the Taliban is “stabilizing” for Afghanistan. Someone listed many egregious atrocities committed by the Taliban that highlight how absurd that claim is. Your response then implied the Taliban was the same as the US and pretended you couldn’t tell the difference.

    So you’re either claiming the US was the same as the Taliban, thus also a “stabalizing force”. Or you’re claiming the US committed mass rapes and executions.

    Or, you know, the third option of you don’t actually give a shit about Afghanistan and just saw an opportunity to try and vaguely disparage the US.

    But let me guess “nO.”

  • The Abrahamic religions are based in genocide and hate, it’s woven into the narrative of the books themselves. That’s why it was “righteous” in Yahweh’s eyes to bash the heads of infants against rocks and wipe out entire tribes, to take their children daughters as wives etc.

    Even Jesus with his supposed reforms was still anti-lgbt, he never said that stuff was ok, only that you could get forgiven of your sinful nature (i.e. being gay/trans) and that once you believe in his teachings you won’t have those “sinful” desires to break god’s laws anymore. So, at best, he preached conversion therapy.

    Anti-lgbt hate is always going to rear its head out of the Abrahamic religions unfortunately, even if good people who practice the religion ignore the gross parts, those gross parts will never go away.

  • You’re acting like Biden is unilaterally responsible for the Israeli government’s actions.

    No, none of this bs. The US gives billions in aid to Israel, pretending we can’t do anything is nonsense.

    Biden has not even called for a ceasefire, he’s made no public criticism of israel at all or attempted to pressure them. He has refused to back legislation from congress suspending aid. Instead his aids are doing the opposite, urging congress to pass more aid, to give them more guns and bombs to kill with. He has literally vetoed funding for UNRWA, he’s made no attempt to stop the influence of groups like AIPAC. When AIPAC has vowed to unseat members of his own party hes hasn’t raised a peep. Democrats banned NRA controbutions for that kind of shit.

    Get out of here with that utter nonsense “nothing he can do.”. The man is making our nation complicit in genocide. You may be ok with that, many are not and you cannot blame them for that.

    Biden has influence on this situation, it’s completely dishonest to pretend he’s some innocent bystander.

  • What apathy? People are utterly furious with Biden over his support of genocide, they are the ones actually fighting Biden on this in the only way they can if democracy is on the line why are you not demanding Biden do what it takes to save it? They’re not threatening to withhold votes out of apathy, they’re doing so because their relatives are literally being bombed to death.

    What the hell are you or anyone else going to do about this that won’t simply throw the match and let the fascists win?

    Joe Biden needs to do everything in his power to stop the genocide. Publically. And then he needs to literally get on his knees and beg Arab Americans forgiveness. Why in the hell do you refuse to hold the one person who actually has the power to do something accountable for their actions? Why are you instead demanding everyone else vote for genocide?

    You talk about unity, we need unity in pressuring Biden to stop supporting a far right-wing Israeli genocide.

  • Where did I advocate staying home? I’m saying you need to start placing the blame where it actually belongs and treating people like Biden as a threat to democracy, not a strategic stop gap. You should not be carrying water for him and blaming these minorities who have been given literally zero reason to vote for Biden. He has abandoned them in favor of helping fund a genocide, it is entirely rational for them to withold their vote as that is the only choice he has left them with.

    Arab-Americans have already lost, why the fuck would they come out to vote for Biden? Because you blame them for his lack of appeal and call them idiots? Good luck with that.

  • Perhaps that’s because the DNC literally canceled the primaries in many states? Perhaps it’s because neoliberal corporate media does not run any kind of coverage of alternatives?

    And you don’t get to make the “They wouldn’t stand a chance” argument when Biden is polling less favorably than a 90-something count felon. That argument is done, stop trying to use it.

    No. It’s time to stop this bullshit and admit the DNC needs to fundementally change. Your strategy has failed. Utterly. Thinking this election is about losing people to Trump is wrongheaded, it’s about Biden being incapable if getting people to come out to vote. That’s his fault for alienating the groups that make up the DNC base. His hubris and incompetence is to blame.