• 8 Posts
Joined 27 days ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2024


  • I’ve never been a big fan of the Appeal To Authority fallacy, personally. You shared the law, so I read it.

    You’ve hallucinated most of my arguments, so I’ll ignore those points of yours.


    Is there proof that the representative was correct?

    Then your trying to something about Biden or whomever else also having pictures there… that’s not the law. Read it again. It doesn’t say “there is absolutely no photo/video to be taken at ANC”. If an acting President is there for a pre-planned ceremony and are expected to be there in an official capacity, the press is allowed in to take photo and video.

    This is a fair point though, I’ll concede on this one. The MSM is different than a private photographer, which the link you shared pointed out.

    The family has no say in this.

    What you linked said that the families needed to request the photographer 72 hours in advance. I’d like to hear from them if they did this, and whether or not they got confirmation that the request was approved or denied.

  • Harris criticises those quite regularly,

    When did she do that last?

    when people start pushing back in the same style you seem to have an issue.

    I wouldn’t care if there was substance in some of the attacks as well. Like, Trump put in X policy, and that hurt the country in Y way. Honestly I complain more about Trump’s policies than Democrats do, there are multiple things he’s done that have hurt the country although I still think he was a net positive. The only policies I’ve heard Democrats criticize Trump for during this election cycle were tax breaks for the wealthy and moving the embassy to Israel.

    The problem is his policies I have gripes with are all things Democrats supported. The COVID-19 stimulus checks were the biggest thing to me since they’re the primary catalyst for our looming economic crisis IMHO, but the Democrats were all on board with that. Trump also signed off on multiple gun control regulations, including the ban on bump stocks. His worst policies are left wing policies (the guy is a moderate, after all), so it makes sense that Democrats don’t attack him over them.