Why is it so expensive in Germany? In the US the ID.4 tops out around 55k USD for fully loaded AWD Pro S Plus, and I’d say the refresh will only add 1000-2000 to the list price at most. The version to get in my opinion is a well equipped RWD which would be just under 50k USD here in the states. With some light haggling with the dealer and taking the 7500 lease EV credit which VWoA passes along to the customer, you could get it for a net price of just under 40k which is fairly competitive.
Lots of people have hustle. Nas Little might have even MORE hustle. Drewbanks has as much, if not more hustle, etc. Hustle doesn’t necessarily translate into good play.
Camara also has good basketball instincts and general bbiq to go with that hustle, which is why he’s been so effective. Some of that you can’t really teach (see Little after so many years already in the league), so it is promising to see Toumani having it from the getgo. He MAY learn to shoot better, which would be great, but it is unlikely that, injury aside, he’d suddenly forget how to play the very good individual/team defense and crashing the boards like he is doing already.