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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • schoolboypoopBtoBoston Celtics@nba.spaceOld habits still exist.
    10 months ago

    A lot of this could be solved with a competent coach, I feel ime proved that. Joe is out of his depth. He might have a bright future, but this is a win now team and there’s no time for waiting for him to iron out creases like not calling timeouts and letting the guys figure out what isn’t working. 17-0 runs shouldn’t happen on any team. Period. No team should concede 17 points without a single point of their own. The coach has to be on the hot seat, because although it’s a positive they’re in a good position still with a positive record, they’re making really bad mistakes that aren’t being resolved. They’re issues that predate Joe, so he isn’t solely responsible, but he’s not seeming to even remedy them. But beyond Joe, jaylen really needs to pull his finger out and pass the ball, he showed improvement as a playmaker against millwuakee but then falls straight back into bad habits the very next game, at that point it’s a choice to play bad. JT needs to stay aggressive in the second half, he comes out great most games but disappears almost entirely most 4th quarters. Above all else this team needs to stop playing down to their competition, because it’s costs them every single time. They can’t just come out and think it’s gonna be an easy night, no team want to roll over and let a highly coveted team kick them about, it’s a bigger deal to the lesser teams to beat a super team like Boston they want to win those games. It’s still early, but as far as I’m concerned this still isn’t a championship team and won’t be until JB is moved. Not because he isn’t a great player, because he is and that’s already been proven, but because he’s redundant on a team with JT they don’t compliment each others games at all. One does everything better than the other, and that results in them taking turns iso playing and one has to just float about in the corner. They’ve had their moments as a duo and have been great statistically, but the eye test proves they’re not winning together. It’s frustrating because the front office play the whole “we want to win now” but don’t seem willing to make the move that will win now, and that’s to spilt them up. If they don’t win this year, which I’m sure they won’t, something’s gotta give.

  • The lack of accountability for refs really hinders the league, whether it’s personal biases or instructions for sports books, it really does just ruin the game. The bucks weren’t in that game and yet the final score was a 3 point difference… That was not a 3 point difference game, it’s infuriating watching Tatum and kp get hacked on every single drive and nothing happens. Dame runs into a defender and it’s a defensive foul. It’s just ridiculous and it just kills the game for me

  • The lack of accountability for refs really hinders the league, whether it’s personal biases or instructions for sports books, it really does just ruin the game. The bucks weren’t in that game and yet the final score was a 3 point difference… That was not a 3 point difference game, it’s infuriating watching Tatum and kp get hacked on every single drive and nothing happens. Dame runs into a defender and it’s a defensive foul. It’s just ridiculous and it just kills the game for me

  • I’m convinced there’s no ring until he’s off the team. He’s essentially redundant next to JT, everything he does JT does better and they end up just taking turns at doing the same thing, and the other is just left to stand around.

    It’s frustrating because clearly Brad had an idea of what he wants the team to be, but we can’t move him until next season and I don’t see how we get any depth with only Payton having a trade-able contract.

    I’d love to be proven wrong but right now it’s not great with JB. Also don’t know if we even win then if Joe is still the coach