this would be cool info to have. do you think there is a state by state or municipality breakdown that shows the degree to which me not tipping is a burden to the staff? /gen would be slay to have in my bookmarks!
this would be cool info to have. do you think there is a state by state or municipality breakdown that shows the degree to which me not tipping is a burden to the staff? /gen would be slay to have in my bookmarks!
In my country
yeah this is how we know it’s okay to ignore the rest of your comment. really rich of you to preach virtue on the actions of alienated individuals under a system far more oppressive and antagonistic than your own. really makes a powerful argument.
yes. you accidentally hit on the decent thing to do. if you can’t afford tipping in the context of a system that forces individuals to rely on it, go buy groceries.
banger of a comment, you deserve some sort of compensation for this contribution
yes and if you think this comment is off base, question your privelage and motives because you are empirically incorrect!
This study examined the effects of server race, customer race, and their interaction on restaurant tips while statistically controlling for customers’ perceptions of service quality and other variables. The findings indicate that consumers of both races discriminated against Black service providers by tipping them less than White service providers. Journal of Applied Psychology 2008
“as a man who has definitely worked food service, THANK YOU for speaking out against individuals tipping me. me personally i hate getting tips! and it REALLY shows my boss what’s what, any day now he’s going to pay me a living wage, you sure are showing him!” —my impression of every individual downvoting you
oof another internet user who thinks two things can’t be true at once 💔
“yeah i know i slashed your tires but at least i’m not as bad as the oil and motor lobbies that make it so you’re reliant on your car to fucking commute to work and not starve, you should be grateful next time” — that’s how you sound 🫶
it happens in movies because it happens in real life too. when in crisis, often there is sense of loss of control or autonomy. for most, something that can provide an outlet for such a frustration is one’s appearance. and, while men do too, women broadly tend to have the more intimate relationship with their hair. so: haircut (or hair dye, or both).
planes crash every day
in 2021 there were 21 commercial* plane crashes, zero fatal.
*couldn’t find data including non-commercial flights. i welcome corrections citing such data :)
edit: i think i am wrong, see roscoe’s comment below
are you allergic to believing that two things can be true at once