i would say a good 2 years, short for a rebuild but we have a crazy amount of picks in a historically stacked draft class, we’ll be back really soon
i would say a good 2 years, short for a rebuild but we have a crazy amount of picks in a historically stacked draft class, we’ll be back really soon
hey, Marco Wilson got benched!
other than that… uh… yeah no this game sucked
if someone wants to blow their own money, let em!
also, it is absolutely not impossible that we finish 9-8
Book is a better basketball player than K1 is a football player, but the Suns can definitely still win games with Book out, whereas we are absolute garbage without Kyler
he has 2 if michael wilson gets a couple inches closer to the goal line lol
lmao at Clayton being better than Murray, also McBride is going to be a top 5 TE VERY soon
everyone who hasn’t needs to watch at least the highlights of the Rising game, that was so awesome
isn’t it seven?
was Keenan cursed this week? i had him and still lost
really hope he stays with us until the end
football becomes 10x more exciting when he’s on the pitch, i thought i was excited before i guess i wasnt excited enough
i’m still in disbelief about this lol
larry didn’t even say he was retiring because he didn’t want the attention, he would rather die than have an award named after him
same, maybe i haven’t been a cards fan for long enough but i don’t get the hate for the Hawks, still division rivals of course but at least yall aren’t the Lambs or Whiners, good luck the rest of the year