From reading the posts and comments here, it’s clear that not everyone knows the situation. It’s frustrating that most discussions are gated by two narratives:

  1. “Players don’t know balance, so why should Riot listen?”
  2. “Players just abuse Riot, so how could they find good feedback?”

What Vel’Koz mains have done is provide a lot of civil and detailed feedback.

Now, here’s the issue: it’s not even that the suggestions are bad, it’s that Phreak (in his video) pretends no one has ever given suggestions, and that players just say that Vel’Koz sucks. Even the most biased people here can see, from the posts, that this is just untrue.

This is complete disrespect by Phreak against his players, and is what people are angry about. It’s such an insane attitute to have, which hurts communication and relationship with the players.

So I hope you can better understand the case now, and make your own judgement.

  • KordbenB
    10 months ago

    Telll me how unprofessional it is to call someone idiot (an epsort player) as a sportcommentator and it’s exactly that toxic as it sounds.

    Because that was harrassment. Guy made a mistake and died for it on an epsort game and as the commentator for the game, a profissonal sport commentator on a living game, you are not allowed to say such things.

    Also phreak is not really popular for:

    • Creating the worst possible meta for MSI
    • Refuse to properly adress the feedbacks dedicated players do give him
    • His take in his videos are contain and ego here and there and this does not suit well with every passionate players
    • Velkoz mains were patient for 3 years or more by now. Exactly Phreak’s belittling words made them furious.

    Death threat part is crazy stupid but Riot is equally responsible for it. Just tell me why they announce they will look at the syndra skin so ppl can stop sending death threats?

    Most players sees it as they give death threat senders what tehy wanted but when you do peacful feedbacks you get nothing. - Thats the message there in short for many which IMO is equally wrong and I would say it probably encouraged some ppl to send those shits…ppl are stupid ngl but communication went really off from riot here.