For me, it is Bard. He not only embodies the lore of cosmic being that just flies around, but also his kit doesn’t ever feel overly oppressive. Whenever a bard destroys me, it feels like it is because he played well, not his champ being busted.

Let’s give the devs some love, who do you think is the best designed champ?

  • PorkyMan12B
    10 months ago

    Like Riot August said, I think it’s Zed.

    He doesn’t one shot you, he requires skill to play, he has counterplay, he has a lot of damage if played to perfection, he has mobility which suits the assassin theme and he has the “go in, kill and get out” assassin theme in his kit as well.

    The only problem is that he has counterplay. And guess what happens in low elo where people don’t know how to counter him ? He becomes stronger and more frustrating. So lack of skill by the people versing Zed is the only problem with Zed. Kinda funny.