For me, it is Bard. He not only embodies the lore of cosmic being that just flies around, but also his kit doesn’t ever feel overly oppressive. Whenever a bard destroys me, it feels like it is because he played well, not his champ being busted.
Let’s give the devs some love, who do you think is the best designed champ?
Funny enough I would say Leona.
People have the misconception that “best design” only means to play with, it also needs to be good to be fair to play against.
People often mention Thresh on engage Support front, but Thresh is one of the most overloaded champions ever made in Botlane, he is really fun to play but that doesn’t change the fact that if you compare him with the other supports, you will notice how much more his kit has, so what makes or break a Threah is how much lower his numbers are tweaked.
Remember, a part of good design is making sure that the champion even on a higher skill ceiling doesn’t have a unfair advantage over simpler champions.
When Thresh is strong in a meta it’s an unbearable experience in high elo.
Meanwhile look at Leona, you know what she does, you can play against her range, her kit feels fair, there is no Bullshit snap hitboxes even some specific enchanters are able to play against her.
She is the epitome of Fair Design, she is pretty much designed to introduce people in Engage Champions on botlane and has a lot of neat tricks that can be mastered once the person is more confortable with her.
This is what is called perfect design, not a Catcher that can perform like a Warden for some stupid reason.