You just resumed half of the champion rooster.
Yeah late game if you get stunned you are probably dead.
You just resumed half of the champion rooster.
Yeah late game if you get stunned you are probably dead.
Late game, not talking bullshit scenarios, Varus and only Varus, because he can burst them with the correct build.
It’s not about Kiting, it’s about bursting.
No ADC’s outside Varus is able to hold the enemy in a place for a few seconds and pop them like a baloon.
He should not.
Let me as a person with more than 1 million mastey in most of the Wardens in game try to explain this.
Braum is a Warden.
A Destinct trait from Wardens is Mobility restriction.
Yes, in situations where they can use their Mobility in 100% Value their mobility is Insanely good.
Most of Wardens not only have very restricted mobility, but also have CC/Utility tools tied to those.
The only exception is… yes you guessed, fucking K’sante.
Poppy Cannot use her E as she see fits, it’s also her main cc tool.
Tahm Kench has a base 21 Second Cooldown, it’s also a CC tool.
Shen Taunt is his CC tool, has High energy cost and medium Cooldown.
Taric stares at you, in a very handsome way.
Galio Dash not only goes backward before going foward, is a CC tool and a Enabler for his Main cc Tool.
Every single Champion in this class has this shared trait of - Conditional CC and Conditional Mobility, except K’sante which is why he is fundamentally broken.
If you exable Braum to Ward Hop, he breaks the game.
It’s important to have Snowballing mechanics in league.
In low elo it’s a nightmare but you need to keep im mind that a lot of champions only work because of said mechanics.
Specially now that Mythics are going away and some champions again will be useless after 25 minutes.
I just hope it’s balanced enough so that it’s not as powerful of an meta dictator on high elo, and not as bad of an experience on low elo.
I’m glad they do.
They acknowledge it was dumb from their side and went with the joke.
That’s how you do community managment.
Sincerly, A Karthus 4th Grade Poet.
I can’t wait for people notice how fucking hilariously broken Hallow Radiance is.
For people who are not aware, it’s the MR Sunfire item.
The difference is that it’s supposed to deal less damage then Sunfire (which right now it does an incredible -2 flat), but it has a passive which “Enemies” explode on death dealing Flat + BHP to their surronding.Meaning it affect enemy champions, minions and monsters.
Sound very tame, until you remember that a systematic weakness of the tank class is farming, and riot basically introduced a item that allows Tanks to quick interact with Minions and Monsters.
Gonna be fun seeing champions going from 5.4 cs/min to 7 cs/min in a single patch.
Basically it’s the Shiv version for Tanks.
You think that is the best change?
Hull Breaker doesn’t give 6500 worth gold of stats anymore.
The stupid part is that someone at riot thought it would be a good Design idea to put Bonus Armor Effect on On-Hit AS Items, which totally won’t become a problem with ADC’s.
Unless they store those in Cold Storage, having access to that info is kinda expensive from their side.
What they should do is allow it to be kept in Archive and if you want to have access you need to make a request via launcher.
I mean Aphelios isn’t really random bullshit.
We talk shit about him, because he lacked visual queues, and was super overloaded on release.
But now a days we know what he does.
Well going to be fun to play around some of his abilities that are super BS.
Champion will be so nerfed due to pro play that we won’t need to worry about him after 2 months, but for these 2 months it will be a nightmare.
I mean… just win again?.
The rules state that the champion must be used.
Also, I may sound like an asshole, but I’m glad he can’t pick Lux
Last year we already had the Ashe Support BS, at least this year all of his available picks are champions that are traditionally only played on support role in pro play.
I feel like people don’t know the context of why Korea LoL overall scenario came to be what it is.
It’s actually related to history.
It’s because of the 98 Korean Crisis, which as a result resulted in the PC Bang Explosion and Gaming Culture.
That is because due to polverty people would go for cheap entertainment.
So genres like RTS and MMO would explode between 90’s and 2000’s.
We had Nexon on the MMO upfront and Blizzard on the RTS upfront.
Star Craft became famous due to that.
What happened with League is that most of the first korean players that started playing League are residual players from RTS genres, which created a environment where the overall macro and micro was way higher than the avg in other regions.
This allowed for all players to developed their skills much better than other regions, and players who came later into the korean sever and weren’t from the 1998~2010 Generation basically were in contact with that environment and managed to develop a better skill.
That’s why players like Faker and Deft exist in first place
Faker didn’t start playing league like a Silver/Bronze player.
He was a high elo Start Craft Player who took interest in League.
His macro was way above the avg player in a global scale.
That is also why Faker looks like a psychopath with how much he changes his screens between players, that is macro from SC.
My boss ranked elo to climb Bronze to Silver was my favorite game of this year.
Nothing is more peak than rooting for the person that can increase your pay to win a match after you introduced him to the game and teached him the basics.
I fucking hate this champion already.
Riot didn’t learn anything from Aphelios Zeri and K’sante.
Clearly Maokai didn’t pay his Taxes.
I feel like there is a internal competition in Riot that we are not aware for making the most disgusting champion to play against.
Someone saw K’sante and Zeri and said “Hold my Brush”.
Funny enough I would say Leona.
People have the misconception that “best design” only means to play with, it also needs to be good to be fair to play against.
People often mention Thresh on engage Support front, but Thresh is one of the most overloaded champions ever made in Botlane, he is really fun to play but that doesn’t change the fact that if you compare him with the other supports, you will notice how much more his kit has, so what makes or break a Threah is how much lower his numbers are tweaked.
Remember, a part of good design is making sure that the champion even on a higher skill ceiling doesn’t have a unfair advantage over simpler champions.
When Thresh is strong in a meta it’s an unbearable experience in high elo.
Meanwhile look at Leona, you know what she does, you can play against her range, her kit feels fair, there is no Bullshit snap hitboxes even some specific enchanters are able to play against her.
She is the epitome of Fair Design, she is pretty much designed to introduce people in Engage Champions on botlane and has a lot of neat tricks that can be mastered once the person is more confortable with her.
This is what is called perfect design, not a Catcher that can perform like a Warden for some stupid reason.
Thresh is really overloaded though.
If you compare him with the other Melee Catcher in the game Blitz, you can notice how overloaded his kit is.
While he is a neat champion to play, when Thresh is strong, it’s not a nice meta, most champion can’t do shit against his kit.
Best Design is something that feels fair fighting against and with, not something that if mastered has an unfair advantage over other champions unless it’s nerfed to the ground.
Engage Support wise I would say it’s probably Leona is the best designed Champion, she is very tame, you know what she does, her kit is very simple and straightfoward and you can play around her kit and cooldowns, there is no bullshit, even on the Hextech front.
I don’t think people understand why Koreans had an edge in League of Legends on early seasons.
It’s not because of food, school or culture.
It’s because the kids from Faker, Deft generation were molded in a game called Star Craft, specially SC1.
It has nothing to do with country, most korean pro players from S3~5 were molded in a game that required high APM to play in ranked before going to league, so they had a mechanical edge.
That’s why if you watch a Faker stream you will see him switching screens the entire time, it’s macro developed from his times in SC.
So rather than “what if” it’s just that these players didn’t play starcraft which is the main reason why Korea had so many good pro players in early seasons.
Regarding K’sante damage 2 things
His damage is problematic because it’s a combination of the worst design possible.
He is a Warden Skirmisher.
Wardens are champions which have High Damage early game (the highest in the entire game) but as a trade off have poor scaling.
Skirmishers have one of the best scalings in the game, so they have high 1v1 damage output.
See the problem?
K’sante entire problem is that EVERY SINGLE issue that he has, is created on the basis that the weakness that he is supposed to have either as a Warden or as a Skirmisher, is nullified because of the strenght he has a Warden or as a Skirmisher.
Wardens have one of the worst mobilities in the game and poor cs.
Skirmishers have one fo the best mobilities in the game and good cs.
Skirmishers offers low utility and have poor survavibility outside of being in duels.
Wardens have high utility and high survavibility.
Literally the only weakness left, is the Warden conditional CC, which in his case doesn’t matter, because he can enables his conditions in the wave.
We joke a lot about how poor designed Zeri and Yuumi were, but K’sante probably is the worst desisgned champions ever, champion literally has no weakness on his kit, the weakness on his kit are literally required to be fabricated by nerfing him to the ground.
I don’t know about OP.
But if you want to know Pro stat wise, the worst item ever made
Then I can provide you said data.
It’s HeartSteel.
Only 2 champions bought it since it’s release (Cho Gath and Mundo)
It has less than 70 Games in a 9000+ Sample.
It also has negative winrate.
It is probably is the item that has the least presence ever in league.
Which funny enough Riot then proceded to make a Band after it’s name.