here are some on the top of my head:

- Lone druide ranged build with main hero

- Axe right click with manta

- Batrider right click with manta

- Zeurs right click with manta (this one is still relevant)

- Pudge pos 1 (this one is still relevant too i guess but rare)

- Lina pos 1

  • BookieBooB
    10 months ago

    Status resistance meta… You’d pick weaver, a slippery hero who was only countered by hard cc. You’d buy Sange and yasha which had status resistance, you’d buy Satanic which had status resistance, and if you got lucky, you dropped titan sliver.

    At the end of that I think you had like 50% status resistance, as a fucking weaver with satanic and 3k hp. Nobody could kill you unless you tried really hard.