here are some on the top of my head:
- Lone druide ranged build with main hero
- Axe right click with manta
- Batrider right click with manta
- Zeurs right click with manta (this one is still relevant)
- Pudge pos 1 (this one is still relevant too i guess but rare)
- Lina pos 1
I mean, Dark Willow HC is pretty crazy too
necrobook 25% cdr sniper was dope
Necro book dazzle with flat cdr ult
Pos 5 PA before they nerfed the shit out of early dagger.
Pos 5 lifestealer for like a month before they quick fixed AGs after realizing how broken it was. (Just AFK in your carry all game and build auras)
Pos 5 AM
Pos 5 morphling before they nerfed that.
Pos 2 tusk in ti 11 finals. He was pos 4 for longest time possible
In this meta, Spectre is a tempo carry and Spirit Beaker is the strongest lategame hero.
Its got to be Io carry meta at TI by og. That shit was wicked but coming on idea to play it is beyond belive
Riki - a portable sleeping dart
6.29(?) Sniper with basher. Pepperidge farms remember
6 null talisman storm
Status resistance meta… You’d pick weaver, a slippery hero who was only countered by hard cc. You’d buy Sange and yasha which had status resistance, you’d buy Satanic which had status resistance, and if you got lucky, you dropped titan sliver.
At the end of that I think you had like 50% status resistance, as a fucking weaver with satanic and 3k hp. Nobody could kill you unless you tried really hard.
bring back the necro ulti adding spawn time and removing buyback pls
6 branch medusa to push herself to cliff and then afk farming ancients for the rest of the game
Support Lifestealer! Puppey did it haha
Wisp carry
Support lifestealer