… We could somehow turn Tobi and everything from the Harden trade (or swap some of those pieces with pieces we had) for both OG and Levine?

Would Maxey - Levine - OG - Someone (Roco/Batum/Oubre?)- Embiid + whatever is left of the bench be good enough?

Don’t focus on how it gets done (although I think the total value moved works). Just, if that was the “last big move”, do you think it would get us there?

  • allianceofficerB
    10 months ago

    I consider Tobias Harris to be the better player than OG even at SF, so that’s a downgrade. Maybe in 2 years when Harris is a bit older and OG is in his prime that will be different. Until then, sending out Tobias for OG Isa meet loss.

    Now Zach Lavine could make their offense really potent. The main question is how Zach would perform in an off ball role. He has never been asked to play off ball in his career, so it is a big adjustment. If he can make that adjustment then they would much improved.

    Now, overall, I believe there are other moves that you can make that build a better team. I’d try and target players with cap hits beyond this year that allow you to fit them and Tobias Harris.

    • JCPRuckusOPB
      10 months ago

      I consider Tobias Harris to be the better player than OG even at SF, so that’s a downgrade.

      I could see the argument that it’s a downgrade from 3rd option Tobi, but I’m assuming Morey wants to make a trade that would make Tobi option 4 again (unless it sends him out). Is 4th option Tobi better than OG, when their offensive output is similar, but OG is a better defender and a natural 4th option (although supposedly he doesn’t think that)?

      Now, overall, I believe there are other moves that you can make that build a better team. I’d try and target players with cap hits beyond this year that allow you to fit them and Tobias Harris.

      I don’t necessarily disagree with this. But I’m trying to think like Daryl, which means I, Daryl Morey, want a bigger star than Tobi, whether that costs me Tobi or moves him back down the pecking order.