What I have learned from a season and a half of this coach is that when we have a lead, KOC is one of the worst play calllers in the league.

Last year we’d get a lead early, lose it, and Kirk would have to snatch victory from defeat at a historic mark once we were behind again.

This year much of the same with both Kirk and Dobbs. The last two weeks we’ve had comfortable leads and should have coughed up both because of multiple wasted possessions of wet-the-bed scared play calling.

With a lead, KOC shows the same lack of killer mentality that eventually ended his playing career. Coach not to lose and you’ll end up just that- a loser.

These last 6 quarters of play calling has me sick.

  • TheIYIB
    10 months ago

    THIS IS THE FUCKING TRUTH. This guy is so afraid to lose that he’s gets conservative, which makes us impossibly easy to play. It’s ruinous.

    Such a waste. And for people saying, “it’s one game, and it’s not a division game.”

    You’re right. It’s not that big of a deal — that’s why we’re supposed to win it! The last thing you want is to have your season on the line in a must-win game when you could have subverted that by beating a team that can only score field goals.

    A waste of effort out there. This game just confirms the shit you wish we’d get past. Mattison. Weird play calls. Playing scared and giving up on dubs. Putting the team in precarious spots.

    Man. Wow