Surprisingly I didn’t see any thread translating Chinese reactions, so here they are:

Post Match Thread


Lee Sang-hyeok, you just added a set of new clothes in your skin wardrobe.


真晕了 本以为是最辉煌的一年,结果是黑暗的一年


Become God-like? Faker literally welded himself onto the seat of God, he is going to choose his long awaited Ahri skin isn’t he🐶

Reply: This is madness, I thought this will be our proudest year, but it turns out to be our darkest

Reply: The moment Asian Games starts is when things go south



All 3 games in finals is pure bullying, as an extra bonus: 5 F-Flash beat 5 D-Flash

Reply: When it comes to skill only JDG can match a little, but champion pool and macro are too far behind, T1 is a tier on their own



Fact: T1 is 11-1 against all 4 LPL teams

Reply: If you include last year’s 8-1, opponents are different but only JDG took 2 games, 19-2


准备啥也没用 纯纯硬实力差距太大

3 games of stomps, every game is so rotten and crap, I have no idea what WBG prepped for this finals

Reply: There’s no point in prepping, the skill gap is too big


没打之前就知道啊 打个抽签队而已 只不过我不知道为啥虎扑这么多人在那尬吹

This is the worst finals in the history of Worlds, no question

Reply: We already know this before the match. WBG only got here because of lucky draws. I have no idea why so many people here are hyping WBG up



Darkest Worlds ever, barring Season 5 and 6 [not sure about this translation]

Reply: In Season 5 and 6 you could see no hope from the start, this time around you are given hope only to have it taken away at the very last second right in front of your eyes, it’s even more hopeless

T1 Winning Worlds Thread



TheShy…you kept your int to yourself for the entire Worlds, and in Top 4 you shocked everyone by carrying the shit out WBG. But, beyond anyone’s wildest imagination, you could no longer hold your int in the Finals. Throughout your time in the LPL, this is your most important series in 3 years, yet you nearly gave us a KDA of 1-20…

Reply: Got to play 4 LPL teams in a row? I didn’t know the one who got the lucky draw is T1!



Congrats T1, they 1v4 against the LPL. Is Oner spreading the spirit of Asian Games to all of LPL? Zeus, Keria transformed into such great players in a year, and Guma is always performing well at Worlds. Congrats Faker for returning to the seat of God. “The walk down the mountain is a little noisy, I’m returning to see who’s shouting.”

Reply: JDG is the only team to take a game

T1只怕geng,其他的谁都不怕 [图片]


T1 is only afraid of GENG, they are not afraid of anyone else

Reply: T1 in this form? GENG can never match them



LPL got beaten back to reality, I’m guessing our popularity will be much lower than before

Reply: The most hyped top laner got 1-16, this is a jokes

  • Unfair_Commission_31B
    10 months ago

    One day LPL will obviously break their T1 curse at worlds.

    But honestly one thing that still blows my mind was like how T1 realised that they can’t win in this xayah kaisa meta. So they bluffed every team that xayah kaisa are not good anymore by playing double ADC( because they were so good) but anyone else could not play that double ADC like T1

    But In the end in final game 3 they played xayah Rakan Bot. Biggest trap in the history of worlds I would say