My personal worst is Battlefield 1 per the moment. I’m average at best, but still hate it when a random artillery truck blows me up from across the map.

Best one was Halo 3. Friends and I had some epic times.

  • BladebrentB
    1 年前

    Frustration: Granblue Fantasy Versus. ALOT of reasons ranging from just not being my type of game, lack of comboes, how frustrating the corner is, disagreeing with core decisions they made regarding “playing accessibility” and how it represents Granblue Fantasy in general, to the input buffer being so sensitive that it feels like it wants to give me anything BUT what I want. Its still baffling to me how people whined about Street Fighter 6’s inputs sometimes mixing up DP and Supers, but GBVS would always pick what was ever most inconvenient between DP and QcF for me. Wiggling the stick from down to forward 40 times and pressing H wouldnt get me DP or Super; no, it give me the special move with no invulnerability and longer start-up.

    Honorable mention to Overwatch (just for all the scummy stuff ActiBlizzard has done that people continuously ignore) and My Hero Ultra Rumble, where the monetization is so bad I legitimately cant trust that the game is balanced. Its a character-based Battle Royale where characters are locked behind gacha.

    Joy: Omega Strikers is fun. Shame it didnt do well enough to warrant more support cause its got good music, characters, and gameplay. Especially jumping off My Hero Ultra, the monetization is also really good, letting you buy emotes from previous battle passes and the like once they run out. I’ll also shout out Blazblue CF since Taokaka will always be fun for me to play