HEARTSTEEL have been making the rounds recently with their marketing and collaborations with popular artists, and the skins themselves have sold quite well. Most people complain about the price-to-quality ratio or clarity with modern skins, but my qualms are different:

The men are too hot.

I genuinely can’t focus on the game when someone picks a HEARTSTEEL skin. I always sense a bit of fear in the back of my mind before queueing up, a sort of Paranoia™, if you will. I decided to go top lane as Aatrox the other day and was ready for a handshake lane where we’d both farm like good top laners for 30 minutes while our team either wins or loses the game. You can imagine my shock when I saw HEARTSTEEL Sett walking towards me, with those big muscles of his. I was caught so off guard that I panicked and ran into the enemy tower, I couldn’t breathe properly and was catching my breath while walking back into lane. After repeating this pattern for 10 or so minutes, my bot lane requested a lane swap and I obliged. I could finally breathe and focus on the game, I thought to myself.

This was a mistake.

When I entered the lane, I was greeted by an Ezreal paired with an Aphelios - both wearing HEARTSTEEL skins. Those two cute boys fighting over farm while poking me sent me into a frenzy - were they perhaps fighting over me and my 0/6 bounty? I couldn’t handle it anymore, and was forced to leave the game after getting 1v2’d and dominated by those two. My unjust ranked ban for “”“griefing”“” aside, is there a way to disable skins so this won’t happen again? Thanks.

  • yukine95B
    10 months ago

    I too need that K’Sante in my bedroom for, uhm, research purposes.