Seek professional help, thanks.
Seek professional help, thanks.
If we were to do modern Dota Baron would teleport between bot and top alcoves depending on the day/night cycle (I’m not kidding)
Forgot I posted that - should’ve chosen a good angle had I intended to leave a digital footprint 😭
Watched TI11 finals last year. 3-0 game was washed so boring
His last world championship title was 7 years ago, and their current season was pretty rocky (going 8-8 in the mid-season) so it’s def been a competitive year. He’s not gonna retire anytime soon, especially seeing how he’s getting special exemption from the military for his achievements. I’d say that the respective Leagues in lol have pretty good variation in domination during the regular season, just that the regions are pretty homogenized during worlds (CN/KR). Kinda how EU dominant international Dota has been, as long as there’s good games I don’t mind :p
Draft doesn’t really matter because you can choose the same hero as the opposing team
This is literally only true for the casual quickplay mode, the only time pro play has seen mirror matches was the LCK with their tiebreaker system in earlier seasons.
Can someone explain the 15:28 joke in Twitch chat?
Skinspotlights exists.