I’m a big Mordhau player, its one of my favorite games, but a friend of mine has a habit of getting too involved in the community and finding all the cheese strats. He memorizes all of them and gets upset whenever they are used on him, to the point he feels like “Everyone I play against is just spamming cheats”. Personally, since I don’t interact too much with the community, I’ve never had this problem. What are some personal examples like this?

  • DifficultyVarious458B
    1 年前

    Cyberpunk. Bunch of click bait spam videos hating on the game for bugs and unfinished city. But nobody commented on story and gameplay because hate gets more views. It brainwashed masses it’s a bad game. Every asshole who saw a bug took picture and shared online. “Look mommy I found a bug in Cyberpunk! Told you it’s broken!”

    Bought this game even when people were refunding it. I always enjoyed it and replayed it 3x. Fok all of you who hated it and sent death threats to devs you all got so easily brainwashed by idiots on social media who made good money on this drama and now they are biggest fans because that’s what fans want to hear.