Hwei’s base stats:


Health [ 550 Base Health + 104 HP / lvl]: Lowest Base health for a midlaner alongside champs like Azir, Veigar, Taliyah and Anivia

Hwei’s low HP stats mirrors that of Taliyah. His base health regen is the same as long range mages [Xerath, Lux]

Mana: [440 Mana + 30 / lvl]

His Base mana is on the lower end and his mana growth is alright, you will most likely run resource runes + go for lost chapter. Worth noting he has an ability that regenerates his mana

Armor : 18 + 4.7 / lvl [Lowest in the game]

He has lowest armor in the game, his stats again are just like Taliyah. It might hamper his viability in bot lane [APC/Supp] and getting traded/all in’ed by assassins/skirmishers in mid lane will be painful if not lethal

Move Speed: 320 MS [Lowest in the game after unmounted Kled and unmounted Rell]

Slowest champion in the game[if we exclude mounted champs] , MS is vital for a mid laner to efficiently roam and skirmish.

Attack Range: 575 [3rd Highest Mid laner Attack range after Annie and Anivia]

to compensate for his low base stats, he has a very high attack range to safely last hit and possibly trade with [W->E]

Attack Speed: 0.714 [Highest Ranged Base Attack Speed]

Hwei’s attack speed lies at the very top and again he can utilize it to proc his \“W->E\” ability efficiently. For comparison, next highest attack speed ranged champs are Kalista [0.694] and Teemo [0.69]

Base AD [ 3rd lowest base AD mid laner after Orianna and Neeko]

Mages who have terrible base AD compensate for it by having AA passives such as Oranna Passive or Neeko W or Kennen W. Hwei and Annie both have very long range justifying the low AD

MR: 30 + 1.3 [Average MR base stats]

Hwei’s stats are interesting, Does having an extraordinary attack range make up for the lowest MS in the game? Will Hwei come close to breaking Briar’s 36% WR day one?

I personally like design approach of new champs having extremes in their stats, Briar had no health regen, Hwei is slow af etc.

  • BackslicerB
    1 年前

    Everyone is not gonna be happy when he is a god tier botlane APC