I brought this up a couple of days ago stating that we don’t know how much power Kevin Warren has and was laughed at. I thought he only had control over the management (stadium, revenue being brought in, etc) side of the bears, but maybe not. Thoughts?

  • whatlambdaB
    10 months ago

    The case for keeping Eberflus, to the extent one exists, is in the improvement we see each week from the young guys. You can’t separate growth in guys like Jones, Stevenson, Dexter, Gordon, Fields, etc. from the guy who keeps talking about the need to get the details right and focus on execution week after week. These things are related!

    It’s fair to ask if Eberflus is the coach to make this team a winner (maybe not), but it’s also fair to ask if he is the best coach to build a winning roster (maybe).