Corrupting Potion was already barely bought by anyone and then Riot decided to give a huge buff to every starter item…except Corrupting Pot (and Tear).

Even in competitive play it has been a good while since anyone has bought it. And that is where the item was more popular due to the permanent sustain it gave

Why is it even in the game at this point? Riot probably forgot about it in the new season changes as well

  • EentityB
    1 year ago

    Corrupting potion was only used on Gangplank until he got his Grasp Q changes, since he used it to keep proccing Grasp repeatedly and mana sustain, the item was already bad at that point, now no reason to ever take. Never saw anyone buy it.

    For a 500g item, I at least hope the sustain it bring is actually decent, but unfortunately, it isn’t. A Dring and 2 pots have much better cost benefit.