Corrupting Potion was already barely bought by anyone and then Riot decided to give a huge buff to every starter item…except Corrupting Pot (and Tear).
Even in competitive play it has been a good while since anyone has bought it. And that is where the item was more popular due to the permanent sustain it gave
Why is it even in the game at this point? Riot probably forgot about it in the new season changes as well
It’s free sustain. Great item and lasts you the whole game.
You basically get a dose of potion every time you get autoed at low hp with doran shield and second wind lol, the combo is so op you would want it way more than some potions in most ignore opponent lanes
Its not too bad on Jayce but the problem is you like to start long sword for early dirk w futures market (or dorans blade into assassin matchups)
Why is it even in the game at this point? Riot probably forgot about it in the new season changes as well
It’s one of the top 3 most popular starting items on a few top laners. The most popular one on Illaoi, too, bought in 60% of her games (probably same thing for some other champions too, I just don’t want to individually look everything up).
D shield is better 90% of the time. Back then I used to take C pot into easy match up as a mid laner, allows me to take ignite, trade and don’t have to worry about going oom and can’t push out the wave for a decent reset. Now teleport is mandatory which I don’t mind, I don’t think maintaining 10 cs per min can be as easy if all it takes is one bad trade and you have to sack wave and run all the way back. It does get a bit boring, mid lane is a refuse to interact sleeping fest where everyone just contest for priority by pushing out the wave. But as a mage enjoyer that hate early game abusers with a passion, this is good. I think the pot stays as a relevant option without being the premium pick over traditional starting items is a good change, I mean, you can still buy it if you want, you can stay in lane much longer that way.
The “even in pro play nobody buys it nowadays” shows exactly the lack of game sense and understanding that this whole subreddit has.
Pro play is not comparable to soloQ at all. In one case scenario you have 10 dogshit players (assuming they are below master) that have limited communication and most likely don’t always play to win while in the other you have 10 individually very good players that are on voice coms and actively try to win the game.
It’s not even close. You are literally playing a different game. Most people just cannot even realise that because their low skill and low elo game sense, can’t take them that far.
The only use for it is to get mana sustain on AD champs that can’t go doran ring instead.
If it had a dorans passive like +5 dmg to minions or something else, with dorans being buffed it has been left in the dust
Corrupting potion was only used on Gangplank until he got his Grasp Q changes, since he used it to keep proccing Grasp repeatedly and mana sustain, the item was already bad at that point, now no reason to ever take. Never saw anyone buy it.
For a 500g item, I at least hope the sustain it bring is actually decent, but unfortunately, it isn’t. A Dring and 2 pots have much better cost benefit.