• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • I like spellcasters and tanky champions. I hate support, doesn’t feel very fun for me, to have lower income, paly around vision and not farm.

    Adc gets blown up by an ornn sneeze and they need to have really good kiting and orbwalking and etc… not my style.

    I like jungle, but it is a role that influences too much the game and I just want to have a good time and not use 304915 IQ to outsmart enemy team.

    Mid and top are perfect for me, go to lane, have a 1x1 (most of the time) and farm well. Control mages are my thing, or bruisers/tanks. I guess most people feel like this.

  • Instead of Q buff for morde, why not just either revert QSS interaction on ultimate and nerf the ult duration in its place.

    Or if the target uses QSS to cleanse ult, you keep the stats you stole for X seconds to punish the enemy. He can leave your ulti with QSS, but now has reduced stats, or he can stay in it, survive and come out at full power.

  • I mean, there are MANY arcs in league, bilgewater, shurima, demacia, etc…

    So each arc would have a protagonist, Sylas for demacia, Vi/cait piltover, etc…

    But if you take the whole Runeterra into account, I’d probably say Ryze, Ezreal or Poppy, whose story arcs encompasses all of the world.

    Ryze with the rune searching, Ezreal being the explorer and Poppy looking for a person worthy of the hammer (when the hammer already chose her but she doesn’t know)