• Hawks get MPJ
  • Nuggets get Hunter and Bogi
  • Fillers of some kind to make it work

Trae gets his great friend, extremely good shooter and improved defender who works best when someone is creating for him and Hawks have that with Trae/DJM.

Nuggets get Bogi to pair up with his countryman and add reliable punch of the bench. Hunter is defensive version of MPJ with less potential. Both would be part of their playoff rotation.

Would you do it or MPJ’s contact is not something you’d like/Bogi is too important? Hunter I’ve always felt was overrated and with great play of JJ is becoming obsolete.

  • CallMePapi930B
    1 year ago

    Exactly Hunter is really an empty stats, garbage time points type of guy

    MPJ as an all star caliber guy is a HUGE upgrade