I was testing things in PBE… and I realized something.

Omnivamp is now reduced to a passive on Riftmaker… With Goredrinker gone, Divine Sunderer also gone… how are Fighters supposed to play the game? Hydra rush every game now? Yeap.

More importantly, how are AP fighter(s) supposed to play if Omnivamp on Riftmaker is so unreasonably bad?


  • Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal 2% bonus damage (max 10%). At maximum strength, gain 10% (melee) / 6% (ranged) Omnivamp.

You can’t use it on minions. You have to stack it on champions… and based on testing, the Omnivamp is there just as an ornament. Might as well remove it alltogether due to how long it takes to stack and how unreliable it is.

Gwen, Kayle, Rumble (it’s a secret build that I enjoy, don’t judge me), Vladmir are “supposed” to buy this item… and they do not fit the item at all, except late game Vladmir.

Gwen’s literall trade pattern is going in and out of combat, when the passive would kick in, you’re already disengaging. Kayle with only 6% OMNivamp feels like crap, might as well not build it. Vladmir’s playstile does not care about extended fights, not early anyway…

Now AD fighters… Goredrinker gone means other items may have a chance to shine… Right? Nope. Full damage it’s back on menu, because someone at Riot forgot about it.

Based on people on PBE, Riven will go all into Hydra then Lethality builds, Fiora and Camille will go all in on titanic Hydra, Aatrox will double down AGAIN on Hydra into Lethality.

Have they not learned? It’s comical at this point if they haven’t.

The pattern says it’s Hydra meta all over again. Lack of sustain from items will pivot players into buying the only option left… and if you can’t build it, like AP fighters, you’re screwed.

he balance team went out of their way to remove sustain from the game only for the game to pivot towards pure damage, then they see “why I’m being one-shot by X champion? Better make durability 2.0”. It’s funny to think about it because I bet that’s the pattern going in the balance team room.

Coincidently… Mages (MID and BOT) and their items are overtuned AF. Coincidence? I don’t think so…

PS: Over 40 games played on pbe, most of them jungle and top, IDK if seems biased or not.

  • AnswerAi_B
    10 months ago

    Reminder when Season 11 hit PBE and everyone said Tanks were going to be insanely broken, and they ended up being the absolute worse champs by far? Just wait for actually good players to use the items before making judgements.