Basically, the title. T1 are only limited to current champ versions. And if they pick current champs, you could still pick the older version of the champ
I was just checking old versions of champs, and found Reksai to have this overpowered global relocation every minute of her ult. And there was also release Azir incident, and Tank Ekko
So I thought of this
But I would probably try to make friends with the LCS pro’s first
Then slam in
Reworked Aatrox 2017 (Top)
Release Xin Zhao
Release Azir
Release Aphelios
Release Tahm Kench
put me on the most busted yuumi version and have the whole team play around berserker that‘s gotta be the game plan
for specific champs i‘d need to research but for jungle gimme the skarner version with 60% winrate
berserker probably on release aphelios