crown still has an argument the rest yea
crown still has an argument the rest yea
it‘s so sad he couldve been the next berserker mega import for na
i really though it‘d work because of his personality
put me on the most busted yuumi version and have the whole team play around berserker that‘s gotta be the game plan
for specific champs i‘d need to research but for jungle gimme the skarner version with 60% winrate
berserker probably on release aphelios
if geng chose lehends over delight with that roster i will too
viper doesnt strike me as a shotcaller but im not korean so idk
but yea geng with viper is my choice too
geng with viper
by god if tes would keep rookie i‘d be so hyped but creme is cool too i guess …….
just chamge sometjing man
like humanoid elyoya
razork larssen
not another year of humanoid razork
this is a mid roster
4th seed written all over it
yea i misremembered
maybe i just think suning is incredibly overrated and i think even the hojin togers were really good
also the manner in which skt dominated was crazy iirc faker only played like one champ
and ik it‘s my opinion but the game they lost in the final really felt like they didnt respect their opponents after besting the shit out of them every time that year (even 3 0 ing them with easyhoon (and maybe even tom idk) during the spring finals after ge tigers were 1 in the split
also ik it‘s not their fault but i feel like it‘s easier to not drop games when not on stage if you‘re the better team cause it‘s one variable less
the run is on par with 2015 skt and 2014 ssw between those 3 it‘s personal preference
maybe you can put ig up there too since they lost a game with duke not theshy (maybe even 2 idk) but ig are a bit lower than the other 3
2020 was a weak year of competition tho and had no msi
dwg was dominant but it feels like they dominated weaker opponents and didnt dominate hard enough to justify putting them up there
2015 was the last time someone dominated this hard imo
i feel like with t1 jdg we got the highest level of a league bo5 ever so it was worth it
3 games
geng t1 was a bo3 wasnt it 0 2
and the jdg game
did ori have 100%pb?
nah it dorsnt matter once you‘re up 5 0 against fckin gibraltar
better to sit and not risk injury
orianna azir and sth for top
bot is lost anyway in this matchup you need to ban out faker and get theshy a matchup he can carry
it‘s a bad plan but their only chance
tss football drama has nothing on nba drama tho
scottie pippens ex wife marries mj‘s son
there‘s levels to this shit
nooo viper dont waste another year in such a roster
bru he talks about lck