Basically, the title. T1 are only limited to current champ versions. And if they pick current champs, you could still pick the older version of the champ
I was just checking old versions of champs, and found Reksai to have this overpowered global relocation every minute of her ult. And there was also release Azir incident, and Tank Ekko
So I thought of this
But I would probably try to make friends with the LCS pro’s first
Then slam in
Reworked Aatrox 2017 (Top)
Release Xin Zhao
Release Azir
Release Aphelios
Release Tahm Kench
Ill wait for 9 december to find out…but only if its lec😊
Varus when Lethality Varus and Jhin were the only playable bot lanes.
I just need release Win Zhao and It doesn’t matter what anyone else picks tbh.
So nobody gonna mention 2010 Jax who has DODGE CHANCE?
Also Dragon Rework Morde.
Also there has to be some iteration of Ryze in here somewhere.
put me on the most busted yuumi version and have the whole team play around berserker that‘s gotta be the game plan
for specific champs i‘d need to research but for jungle gimme the skarner version with 60% winrate
berserker probably on release aphelios
That patch where ezreal brought smite mid…
Win Zhao on Zeus
Juggernaut Skarner Dandy
Galio patch 7.21 Faker
Mordekaiser (yes with dragon pet) Uzi
Old Leblanc with silence supp Wolf
Release LeBlanc before her hotfix nerf would be nuts.
That one Galio patch probably also deserves a mention.
I have to give a shoutout to runeglaive ezreal, shit was broken as fuck. pair that with the most broken yuumi iteration too
Reddit too young to know release brand was the most broken shit
Metagolem. Bloodrazor Shyvana when it had a guinsoos passive in season 5? Probably some version of Yasuo that was awfully good. Like any Kai’sa? Then maybe Thresh when he released. Was fun
Release zoe where she could get teleport from minions and her q could do 75÷ health at max range level 1.