Just a thought, not a troll or flame exercise.

Would this trade be good for both teams? Ball might never play again so the Bulls could probably use a PG, and the Pistons have lots of guards and centres and could really use a forward that plays.

Yes, Williams might be asking for a lot, and if he gets $20m a year + in FA then bless him, and if not, well, he might get a chance to show what we can do on a team that could use him.

Before I post, I know the Pistons need a PF-type more than a SF, but I figure they could use a forward more than another guard.


  • lilbrudder13B
    10 months ago

    I am not opposed to swapping problem players but I wanted to take it a step further and make Williams the throw in with Caruso being the center piece.

    I feel Caruso compliments Cade Ivey and Sasser wonderfully on both sides of the ball, but despite every contender pining for what Caruso provides a team almost no one here thought it was worth pursuing.

    I can only assume it because they are hyper focused on not taking on Williams due to most of Weavers reclamation projects not working out. That and they not giving Caruso the respect he deserves because he’s a white boy.