Now that we’ve had the opportunity to hopefully sleep it off and sober up (for some of us), what insights do you have from last night? Or if you could sum it up with one thought, what would it be?

Mine is that it didn’t matter if we had Milano, Tre, or DaQuan - the strategy on D in 4th Q & overtime wasn’t going to change and that’s the problem. McD hasn’t learned shit in all these years and it will be his undoing.

  • SternojournoB
    10 months ago

    If I had any lingering doubts about the NFL being fixed, those doubts were eliminated last night.

    I’m not mad or frustrated with McD or the players. The refs literally stole the game from the Bills. I feel foolish for being as invested as I’ve been this season. I’ll still watch games, but with the mindset of watching a scripted TV show or something.