I’m kinda new (since the start of OW2) but man this community is pretty toxic to each other. There’s like 2 camps that’s either support mains or tanks (and sometimes dps) and they will not stop going at it. They’re so aggressive and toxic towards each other for no reason. The game kinda lives in cycles of support being really good and tank being really good and whichever side isn’t the best at the moment gets toxic to the other. And it gets so unbearable how much each dude goes at each other, especially on TikTok and YouTube but even here it can get out of hand. And it devolves into such petty things like name calling, insults, and even slurs.

It’s so dumb and petty. It sounds like children arguing on the playground about who is stupider. And some (not all ofc) fan the flames and makes it worse. They’ll sit there and constantly complain about the other group to their large fan base and just make things worse. Content creators should be using their big platforms to make things better for the community, not promote toxicity and make things worse.

At the end of the day we’re all playing the same game. We’re all trying to enjoy the same thing. We should be asking for the game to be balanced so all roles are fun, not asking to take the support characters out back old yeller style. We should all be in the same boat of wanting the game to be the best it can be, not dividing into subgroups and getting toxic with each other.

  • bxalemaoB
    10 months ago

    Having played this game for a long time, the switch to 5v5 put a lot of strain on both Tank and Support. DPS’s role got better, but the other two got worse.

    Supports have to keep the Tank alive because the sole Tank will make or break the team fight. Which puts a lot of pressure on that Tank to play well.

    If the Tank is too aggressive, they die. If the Tank is too passive, no enemies will ever die. If the Supports are too passive for their Tank trying to make space, the Tank dies. If the Tank is too aggressive while their Supports are getting harassed in the backlines with the DPS nowhere in sight, the entire team dies, Tank being last. If the Tank can’t draw focus, their team dies. If the Tank draws focus and gets hit with every debuff and CC, no amount of healing can keep them from dying. If the Tank is getting hard countered and neither them nor their DPS are swapping to counter, the Tank dies.

    If the team can’t pick a cohesive comp and makes swaps to help the TEAM, the team might as well just take the L and never play together again because they won’t win.

    Bottom line is people are the problem. Shirking all their responsibilities and blaming others so they can “have fun” and play the characters they want. The selfish playstyle holds your team hostage to what you want. In the end, this game is a TEAM game, more so than any other team game. If you can’t play with the team, just do yourself and everyone a favor and delete the game. Because playing selfishly ruins the game for everyone.

    Best way I can put it. Imagine you’re playing a team sport like basketball, for instance. And you decide that once you get the ball, you will make the shot because making the shot is fun for you. You never pass the ball to anyone, and your opponents start blocking your shots constantly. And then you never score a single shot, and your opponent completely stomps the game. Your selfish actions cost the team the game. Did you have fun? No, because your team stopped supporting you. Did your team have fun? No, because you were dead weight that was being dragged around the whole game.