I am trying to learn midlane but I lose essentially every matchup because I cant dodge skillshot reliably.

  • ScoobsFPSB
    1 year ago

    How do you get better at shooting a basketball? Or aiming in CSGO?

    Okay seriously though, if you want to improve either of those things it’s not just repeated mechanics.

    Shooting a basketball requries technique. Yeah, I can throw 10,000 shots at my rim with terrible form and eventually I’ll get better at knowing how to aim and with what power.

    But I’m not going to become a better shooter of the basketball. To do that, I’ve got to take my mechanics, break them down, and see where I can improve. Maybe I can tweak my shooting elbow in an inch to stabilize my shot going where I aim it. Maybe I can adjust my overall shooting motion to get a more consistent shot off in a real game. It’s all kinds of things beyond “just keep shooting a basketball”.

    Same with aiming in FPS games. You can keep flicking left and right, and you’ll get better at knowing when and where to stop; but if you really want to improve, you need to break down why you’re overshooting, or why your crosshair is moving off of headshot angle as you move from side to side.