I’m just curious. I always cringe when I think about the insane amounts of money I have spend on league at this point. Don’t know the exact number but it’s probably around 300 euros. Now, I haven’t bought anything in like a year and I don’t plan on buying new skins, but I just think about how much actually useful stuff I could have gotten with that much money. It’s one thing to maybe spend 10 or 20 bucks on one or two skins for your main champion. But most champs that I have bought skins for I don’t even play anymore.

  • HarmlessSnackB
    10 months ago

    The day Kai’Sa came out, I bought and picked her, as a Sona main at the time, because I was convinced she was the “Sona of ADCs” she has a super Sona Q!

    Anyway, we were playing a 5 Man premade and my Bot lane buddy was annoyed. “Your gonna lose us lane, you’ve never played her before!”

    “I’m gonna DUNK on them, she’s ADC Sona!”

    “If you carry, I’ll buy you her skin.”

    “Bet.” Anyway, I went like 12/0 lol

    Got my damn skin.