Lions are having the best season of our lifetimes. If you think there is even a chance Hooker would be anywhere near as good as Goff you need treatment. We are finally a good team and the fact some one you are pulling for Hooker just proves how dumb some of us really are. I doubt we will see Hooker play a single regular season game ever as a Lions. Places like Woodward sports should be ashamed for even talking about this. Like holy cow what a bunch of spoiled babies you are.

  • AzorAhai1TKB
    10 months ago

    Nobody is talking like he should start this year, and going forward in future years is obviously a real question, and we should hope he has real star potential. I don’t think this team is better than 2014 either at this point, I don’t see how is the best of a lifetime season. We are 2 fluky plays from being 6-5. I know we are 8-3, but it’s notable.