Seems like supports are very useless compared to carrys especially late game they die in one hit and no one enjoys playing them. I feel like they should boost supports early game more to counter carrys. All they do is ward and babysit its not that fun and sucks when the carry fails, seems like teams with no support do just as well if the games past 30min

  • Gilwork45B
    1 year ago

    i used to think this way as well until just recently, it really comes down to role execution at different stages in the game. As a support, you will be creating a safe zone for your cores as well engaging in fights early and often. At my current bracket i usually win the laning phase with proper warding, pulling and ganking, all while giving my core enough distance to get full xp most of the time.

    Until you go against another talented support you never realize how much the finer points of this gameplay is neglected and how much it affects the trajectory of the cores in the lane both on your side and the other. A 3 who is almost completely shut down in lane will have to focus on recovery when they should be focusing on mid game activities, i’ve had so many blowout wins not only because my 1 is so far ahead, but because of a clean shift from laning to aggressive ganking on the enemy’s side of the map.

    I never used to play support at all, now i main hard support any game i can, my win rate has gone way up.