Recently, people have been calling me a “dirty inter” and “the worst teammate they have ever had the displeasure of encountering in solo queue”, due to my extremely poor winrate and high death count. However, despite being Iron 3 with a 23% winrate, I have actually never made a bad play in my entire career. Much like Tarzan’s decision to combo in on a full health Orianna and Rell as a weak Jarvan IV, the people I am playing against are simply using micromovements to trick me into seemingly misplaying.

For example, just yesterday I played a game against a Sett top as Irelia. A tough matchup, of course, but one that wouldn’t be trouble for a player like myself. However, just like the GOAT Faker, starting from level one he used precise micromovements to bait me into fighting him and dying twenty three times in a row. I’m so sick of people misunderstanding and thinking that I actually made mistakes, when his movement was just that clean. He even micromoved his fingers on his keyboard, typing “ez noob”, causing me to instantly become so enraged that I fought him 3 more times. Or take my game vs a Volibear the other day. I actually killed him first, getting first blood in a matter of minutes. Unfortunately, right afterwards the enemy jungler micromoved himself to my lane, while my jungler macromoved himself to the krugs, forcing me to right click on the enemy Nexus and die to turret 13 times before my team eventually gave up.

Any tips on how to explain this to my teammates and how to queue into less skilled opponents?

  • HarmlessSnackB
    1 year ago

    Damn, they got AI deep-fake-gang-stalking in league now? Smdhmhmhmhmhmyhead.