Mine is that I liked it more when you couldn’t go above level 30 and you would gather IP (or blue essence for the new people), by just playing the game.

  • Marcus777555666B
    10 months ago

    I have 2 hot takes:

    1. League is quite balanced, despite much crying on reddit, especially when compared to other mobas. We have over 150 champs and most of them are close to 50% winrate, which is quite amazing. We have some ocassional outliers like Bard on release sub 40% but that’s quite rare.

    2)I love champs like Tresh,K’sante,Yasuo,Akali,etc. People cry how overloaded they are,but I would rather play these champs than Annie and malph. Those champ kits are old and outdated, and people don’t like newer champs because they feel like they have lots of tools compared to old champs, and to certain extent I agree, that’s how game evolves. I don’t want Riot to release champs that some players here want them,to be 2009 old,one dimensional boring kits.