Mine is that I liked it more when you couldn’t go above level 30 and you would gather IP (or blue essence for the new people), by just playing the game.
The eternals system is completely pointless and uninteresting to me and I think people would just rather still see the scoreboard at the end of the match as default.
It also seems to have made collecting stats at the end of each game take much longer.
Riot should once again return to release champs with two release skins instead of only one.
I once posted this and got massively downvoted to oblivion and people completely misinterpreted me
League needs roles back!
Noone but ADC can Siege.
Noone but APC can Waveclear.
Noone but Tank can Tank.
Supports, Support via Wards and/or Auras NOT DMG and Ganks!
Bruisers/Assassins controll early, but are useless late.
Yuumi should be reverted. She used to be fun and uniquely engaging, now she has no place at any level of play.
Not just revert. Incentivise to use her attach-deattach mechanic more as well as target swapping.
CC needs to be removed
“But a lot of champs are only stopped by CC” exactly. CC’s existence is excusing a lot of bullshit designs in this game (and all games for that matter).
If your idea for countering a champion is literally preventing the enemy from playing the game then that champion needs to be reworked or removed.
its good that riot balances for all elos, high and low. if riot let 60% WR champs exist in silver just so they could be 50% WR in Master then it would harm the majority of its playerbase
I know it’s an unpopular opinion. But I hard disagree. Low elo players have the best counter play, and it’s getting good.
The UI needs a serious overhaul
League player’s build their entire identity around the champs that give them elo.
And refuse to learn other shit after they’ve assigned themselves to their current pool of champs.Most people in this thread don’t know what a controversial take means.
Most, if not all enchanter supports, especially old ones, need at least a CGU, if not a full VGU.
Some champs are just a straight up design mistake and should be fully reworked or removed and a prime example is Yuumi (like who in the design team didnt notice that a UNTARGETABLE ENCHANTER would have little to no counterplay and only counterplay is to kill her roided to narnia carry? Like the counter to enchathers are that they are the easiest mfers to kill in the game and they removed that said counterplay)
There shouldn’t be a delineation of ranked vs normals. All games should be in the same queue and you should be able to play with anyone you want.
lethality items are busted and should be removed from the game,
so many ad champions become problematic due to such things existing for instance Briar only busted due to lethality items existing, (now they are over nerfing her due to the effects of them bruiser briars on the weak side) graves also fit in this he becomes disgusting due to being able to build collector and other lethality, Duskblade is finally getting removed so some champions cant abuse it anymore which is nice,
but they should just remove them all. tbh i kinda wish we could go back to some of the older items to see how much of an effect that would have on things,The class system and Riot Games’ inability to trust players are two of the biggest things that have created League’s biggest problems over the years and over-engineered solutions just overcomplicate things and don’t fix things, just move the goalpost slightly
Mine is that riot should find the funds and methodology to be able to manually review games for toxicity and ban the worst offenders, and further that this not only feasible, but also sustainable and would be good for the long-term health of the game.