I’ll start:

  • if they keep switching between soldier and mei only, they clearly have trust issues with supports and need the ability to heal themselves without depending on others

  • Sombra or Tracer main make me feel like they actively think it’s their job to be the most annoying shit ever, and often succeed in being frustrating

  • Doomfist mains I assume are guys who think it’s cool mastering a niche like him

  • mercy mains I automatically assume is a woman (even though I used to main mercy and I’m a man)

  • zenyatta mains are either just very good with him or are sick of being asked for heals and swap to him as a “you were being annoying say now I really won’t heal you” nice

  • Moira are supports who maybe died to enemy DPS and tanks one too many times and decided to take matters into their own hands now


  • flairsupplyB
    10 months ago

    Junkrat- your daily breakfast is Monster energy and cocaine

    Reinhardt- The second the enemy tank does anything but a ReinvRein duel, you report them for toxicity

    Illari- Youre actually a DPS main and got tired of being accused of being selfish because youre a DPS main

    • crimsonkarma13B
      10 months ago

      As a rein that’s all false, all I want is honor and glory so I will fight against anything even if it is a counter